Saturday, March 15, 2008

May 1, 2008: Deadline for ASCD's 2009 Annual Conference Proposals

May 1, 2009 is the Day. I am one person trying to change the world. Join me and we will make history. If you talk about the Echo Chamber, here's how to open the door of the chamber and walk out! I need your help to Pass This Forward! Education as we know it will never be the same if you do.

The 2009 ASCD Annual Conference has four themes and two are relevant to this shout out.
This is a "shout out" to students and educators in my digital network. Pass this message onto everyone in your network.

Twitter It!
Post It!
Do video teasers for YouTube and TeacherTube!
Do whatever it takes to get this message out.


ASCD is the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Their membership represents more than 175,000 educators from 119 countries and nearly 60 affiliates. Their 2009 Annual Conference is about Imagining how to Engage Students more deeply in their Learning and about How Technology Can Help.

2008 Annual Conference: March 15-17, 2008
  • 12,000 ~ The number of people attending
  • 500+ ~ The number of sessions offered
  • 27 ~ The number of sessions in the Instructional Technology Strand
  • 5 ~ The number of sessions in the Instructional Technology Strand with Web 2.0 content!!

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