Thursday, October 4, 2007

Web 2.0 Birthday ~ BLC July 2007

November Learning ~ Building Learning Communities 2007

I am new to blogging, but I'm willing to learn. In fact, learning for me and the adults and students I work with is at the heart of what we do each day. Our school system's mission, for example, is
... to educate students so they are engaged in their education in a way which develops their capacity to pursue their goals and fosters life-long learning.
Our core beliefs are enthusiasm, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach was kind enough to spend a long time with me yesterday on Skype answering my questions about web 2.0 and filling me in on her incredibly exciting work with schools in Alabama. Thank you to Sheryl for leading the way.

In my simple minded way, among other things, I learned that a blog is not a wiki. That is obvious to most of you reading this, but it was a useful insight for me. I won a wiki, a pbwiki, at a BLC07 workshop offered by Darren Kuropatwa and thanks to the generosity of the folks at I titled it and jumped in feet first to use it and learn it along the way. Three months later, I have posted to it a respectable number of times and I am using it it as a vehicle in my work. Very helpful, I would say. The problem for me is community is lacking at the site. I post, people may read, people go on their wiki way. Now what?

I need a blog to share my personality and point of view. As I understand it (you can help me with this),
  • a blog is a place visible on the internet where I can share a point of view on the world and invite people to comment;
  • A wiki is a platform for collaborative work.
So now I have!

I posted an excerpt from a poetry site I visit from time to time sponsored by the Poetry Foundation.

I'd appreciate hearing from you about these comments, the excerpt or other thoughts I post in the future or themes related to the posts.

"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch." GK

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